Firefighters and other responders will be on the outside looking in when a ceremony is held marking the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks next month, according to The Daily News.
A city official told the newspaper that that the amount of space at the new memorial and security logistics have forced to city to schedule a separate ceremony for responders on a later date.
Family members of the nearly 3,000 killed in the attacks were invited, along with President Barrack Obama and former president George W. Bush.
"To have a separate service on another day has no significance, no meaning," David Jacobs, who volunteered at the site sifting debris, told the newspaper. "For many of us, we gave a lot at that site."
His childhood friend, a city firefighter, died in the attacks.
In previous years, responders were welcomed at the site, but little construction had begun and space wasn't an issue.
One construction worker told 1010 WINS that he believes they should be invited this year.
"I think that they should be allowed to go because too many of their brothers and sisters lost their lives and they should be the first ones that are included," he said. "They should make it happen. I'm sure there are going to be a lot of people here who shouldn't be here
An estimated 91,000 police, firefighters and other responders helped with the search and rescue efforts in the wake of the attacks
I find this mind boggling. I can't separate the images of the destruction and the images of firefighters, police and EMS workers running to help! The US flags and that great cross that erupted out of the rubble.
I cherish a thank-you letter from Mayor Giuliani, dated October, 2001. He says in part, "New Yorkers displayed their characteristic courage, strength, and determination during these very difficult times. I know that we have all been inspired by the bravery of our firefighters, police officers, and emergency workers that terrible day."
Maybe you have forgotten their inspiration--but we haven't! He rightly mentioned them first and so should you. New York, please reconsider honoring NYFD ten years later! I ♥ NY. I ♥ NYFD. We are NY, if you hit one--you've hit us all!
God bless the USA!
they should just show up, like they did ten years ago, while everyone else was fleeing.
I agree with Kira....they weren't invited 10 years ago either, but they showed up and we all praise them and thank them regularly, just as we will if they show up 10 years later! They are the heroes here, not President Bush and his entourage...and most certainly not President Obama and his carnival!
This is heart wrenching!!! I found about this on Facebook and thought it was a joke. What are they thinking? I agree with the other posts. I believe they should just show up. Many thanks to all of you!! I know it's a remembrance for those lost, but it should also be a remembrance for all those who showed up to help. The firefighters, police officers and emergency workers lost people that day also.
As a 30+ year firefighter with a son who has chosen to follow, and a person who personaly knew many of the FDNY firefighters, This is an insult! There are firefighters whos remains have never been found, still lost in the dirt at ground zero ... These guys were not caught there by accident, they were there because they were called to do their job ...and they did it. No Questions, No Delays ... and now we tell them your NOT WELCOME... BUT they will not ruin your event because they respect and honor those lost, .. firefighter, police or private, so they will not stoop to your low level of politics. Enjoy YOUR day!
The first thing that should be done is cancel Bush's invite to make room for firefighters/policemen. He knew a lot more about the attack before it even happened that the investigators covered up so well..!! So why invite him..?Remember, the Monica Lewinsky/Clinton affair/investigation cost 150$ million while the 911 investigation cost 15$ million..before they (CIA/FBI/Secret Societies) brought it to a quick halt..!!!
Seems the city these incredible men and women so proudly served was the first to forget.
I live in Scotland and just found out about this!! I feel sick in the pit of my stomach..To often the word hero is used, but on that day TRUE AND REAL HERO'S showed up not like these scumbag politicians.
How dare they not be invited!!
The 1914/18 war lead to a call for 'homes fit for heroes' Still waiting!
'Lest we forget' is a line in a wonderful Remembrance prayer. but we do, Constantly.
The Soldiers, Sailors, Aviators, Firefighters, Police and Ambulance people of the world KNOW they risk their lives for no thanks. Politicians HAVE to be thanked for the crumbs they let fall from their troughs. Let us remember those who gave their all, their friends, their health and their future. Let us refuse these politicos their moments of glory. Remember the TRUE heroes and give thanks they exist. For all of us.
I couldn't believe what I wasnt reading on fb! I agree they should all show up, such brave brave people how can't they not be there? Its an insult! Xx
So 91,000 police, firefighters and other responders should just turn up?
Would it not be more appropriate for them to just go to work that day?
Someone really needs to reconsider this issue, perhaps Presidents Obama and Bush should decline and say they will come the same day the firefighters and police have their day at ground zero. Everything they did, the co-workers they lost and this is how New York thanks them. Shame on who ever made this stupid decision. I live in Washongton State and have so much admiration for the New York emergency responders for all the courage they demonstrated on one of the worst days in American History. God Bless each and every one of you.
There are no words for the anguish and disappointment that I am feeling. I too saw this on Facebook and did not believe it. There would not have been as many survivors that day had it not been for all those brave souls and this country is eternally grateful to them for their sacrifice. The sheer fact that they want to do a separate memorial at a later date absolutely makes me sick! Whoever made that decision should absolutely to their core be ashamed of themselves.
This is not right. GM is sending a Special painted Truck to Ground Zero as a tribute to the First responders. I think the President should tell the Mayor of New York These Men and Women WILL be there. If NOT THEY SHOULD JUST SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As a police officer in the UK and an ex firefighter, this is just like everything else, dealing with the worse events in society, picking up the pieces of life's tragedies while dealing with their own, but always forgotten. What people forget is the victims families generally only deal with the tragedy of their lost ones but the emergency services have to deal with the tragedy of not only their losses but ALL the victims! Every victim you see as an emergency worker saddens the heart, keeps you awake at night and you feel the sorrow of the families but you get up the next day and carry on. While the public is running away the emergency servises are running to the incident as they always do. Governments, politicians, please please one day understand, appreciate and recognise the unique role and unequal devotion that emergency services workers give the public. The USA, in the UK's eyes have always been pro services, but on this occassion it is a disgrace.
I hope every victim's family visits their local fire station or police station to "adopt" a family member to join them on Sunday 9-ll.
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