Wednesday, May 4, 2011

FDNY firefighters react to bin Laden's death

By FireRescue1 Staff
NEW YORK — Firefighters from the department hit hardest by the 9/11 terror attacks are relieved Osama bin Laden has finally been brought to justice.

The Sept. 11, 2001, terror attack at the World Trade Center killed 343 firefighters and is the largest fire service LODD incident in U.S. history.

Shortly after President Obama announced the death, FDNY firefighters spoke on video amid chants of "USA!" in Times Square.

"It's a very good day for the New York City Fire Department, for the City of New York, for the nation and especially for our families," said Firefighter Jack Joyce.

"There's a closure now. There's some type of closure for us."

"Osama Bin Laden was responsible for killing 343 members of the FDNY on Sept. 11, 2001. Tonight, in firehouses throughout the city, our members are grateful for the news, and thankful to all the brave members of the U.S. military that had a role in this successful operation," FDNY Fire Commissioner Salvatore J. Cassano said in an official statement.



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